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Alfred Smoczyk
Complete name: Alfred Smoczyk
Birth date: 01.Oct.1928
Birth Place: Kościanie, Poland
Death date: 26.Sep.1950
Death Place: near Gostyń, Poland
Nationality: Poland
Gender: male

Alfred Smoczyk was considered the undisputed master of Polish speedway riders. He scored a number of victories racing for LKM Unia Leszno and CWKS Warszawa teams. He competed with considerable success also in Swedish, Czechoslavakian and Dutch top leagues.

Winner of the Polish National Speedway Championship in 1949, Alfred Smoczyk lost his life in a motorcycle road accident along the Gostyń-Leszno road, in Poland. It happened on Tuesday, 26 September 1950, a few days before the running of the 1950 edition of the event. Despite Józef Olejniczak was the winner, Alfred Smoczyk was postumously awarded the 1950 Polish title.

In 1953 the speedway track of Leszno, Poland, was renamed as the "Alfred Smoczyk Stadium". His memory is perpetuated by the "Alfred Smoczyk Memorial" race meeting which was held every year since 1951.


Career Summary:

  • Website Speedway Champions - Memorial Trophies, page http://www.speedwaychampions.com/Pages/MemorialTrophies.aspx [L1].
  • Website Bullpointer "In Memoriam" by Steve Brown, page http://speedwayinmemoriam.yolasite.com/ .
  • Website Historiaunia-Leszno.pl, page http://historiaunia-leszno.pl.tl/ZGINELI-TRAGICZNIE.htm .
  • Website Speedway w Polsce 1956, page http://rlach.republika.pl/pl_1950.htm .
  • E-mail by Ed Lankhaar, dated 14 May 2012, citing [L1].