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Carlos Vargas
Complete name: Carlos Vargas
Birth date: ??.???.????
Birth Place: unknown, unknown
Death date: 23.Jun.2007
Death Place: Granollers, Catalunya, Spain
Nationality: Spain
Gender: male
Age at death: 37
Event date: 23.Jun.2007
Series: European Endurance Championship and Spanish Endurance Championship
Race: 13è Les 24 Hores Internacionals de Catalunya de Motociclisme
Event type: practice
Country: Spain
Venue: Catalunya (Montmeló)
Variant: 4.727-kilometer Grand Prix Circuit for motorcycles (2007-2016)
Role: rider
Vehicle type: motorcycle
Vehicle sub-type: sports bike - from 601 cm3 up to 750 cm3
Vehicle brand/model: unknown
Vehicle number: ??

Spanish rider Carlos Vargas, 37-year-old, crashed fatally on Saturday, 23 June 2007, while practicing for the 24 Hores de Catalunya de Motociclisme, scheduled to be contested at the Circuit de Montmeló, Barcelona, the following 06 and 07 July.

The accident took place about 15h00, Vargas could not slow down at the end of the main staraight, his bike crossed at high speed the run-off area and crashed head-on into the tyre barrier. The rider was crushed by his own bike and suffered severe internal injuries.

The practice session was immediately suspended and an ambulance entered the circuit to take Carlos Vargas to the Hospital General de Granollers, where he died shortly after admission. The news of his death arrived to the track almost two hours after the crash. It was reported that brake problem could have caused the fatality.

  • Website El Periódico-Deportes, article "Un piloto fallece en Montmeló al estrellarse al final de la recta" by José María Expósito, page https://www.elperiodico.com/es/deportes/20070623/piloto-fallece-montmelo-accidente-5459177 .
  • Website La Vanguardia, article "24 horas de Catalunya: 25 años de pasión motera" by Toni López Jordá, page https://www.lavanguardia.com/deportes/motociclismo/20190702/463224298214/24-horas-catalunya-circuit-montmelo-motocilismo.html .
  • Website Todo Circuito, article "Recogen firmas para que Montmeló amplíe la escapatoria del final de recta", page https://www.todocircuito.com/noticias/15218-recogen-firmas-para-que-montmelo-amplie-la-escapatoria-del-final-de-recta.html .
  • Website L'Esportiu de Catalunya, article "Les 24 Hores, de dol", page https://www.lesportiudecatalunya.cat/motor/article/1631969-les-24-hores-de-dol.html .
  • Website Racing Memory by Vincent Glon, page http://racingmemo.free.fr/M%20COURSES%20INTER/MOTO%2024%20BARCELONE.htm .